Our day-to-day life at Black Teal Bay.
Taking a break with Daisy
A winter coating of snow on the hills
Lavender buttoned down for winter
Kaka beak
Bumble bees hard at work
Lancewood is the coolest tree
Apple tree blossoms
Daisy relaxing in the lavender
lavender and the hills
A still evening on the lake
picking lavender with Daisy's help
Our Black Teal duck friends on the lake
Jasmine's creation
Daisy on guard
A tree daisy in flower
Lavender and tussock
cleared for takeoff
A meshed up Kowhai
Our local shag
A Falcon dropped by
Twisty strawberry tree
Jasmine has been busy making more ducks
Spring is in the air
Testing our Black Teal Bay soaps
Waiting for mushrooms
Chamomile ready to pick
the crafter at work
Picking with a view
taking a break
the always loyal Daisy
old school watering
picking a few
greenhouse in the setting sun
Echinacea always put on a show
Calendula and bees
Our first Helichrysums starting to flower